On Sunday we will have a free day in Jerusalem. You will be free to set your own schedule and choose your own adventure (see suggestions in the email). International travel can be exhausting, and our itinerary will be moving us through many exciting historical and religious sites, therefore we have worked in a day of leisure for you to recuperate as needed. Being a Sunday, you may choose to visit a local church in the Old City and experience worshiping in places where pilgrims have been worshipping for centuries. Worshiping at Christ Church Overlooking Gehenna Valley As we consider a “free day,” I thought I would focus this devotional on sabbath rest. On Day 6 we will experience parts of the city completely shut down as the Jewish believers honor the Sabbath day (Friday night at sundown until Saturday at sundown). Those who observe the Sabbath on the seventh day are Sabbatarians. Most Christians are semi-Sabbatarians, meaning we set aside a day of worship ...